Instaup Old Version Apk
InstaUp Old Version

App Name

InstaUp Older Version





InstaUp Older Version v17.2 | Unlimited IG Followers for Free

Other Older Versions

Version numberDownload Button
InstaUp V11.6Download Now
InstaUp V11.8Download Now
InstaUp V11.9Download Now
InstaUp V12.5Download Now
InstaUp V12.6Download Now
InstaUp V13.1Download Now
InstaUp V14.1Download Now
InstaUp V15.1Download Now
InstaUp V16.1Download Now
InstaUp V17.5Download Now

Why use the Older version of instaup mod APK?

Compatible with all Android versions

Lag issues in the latest versions

Limitations issues

Advantages of the older version

  • Compatible with all Android versions lower and higher 
  • There is no lag issue and better performance.
  • No limitations in the collection of the coins.

 Features you will miss in the older version

No in-app updates

No Offical support

 Lack of Features

instaup apk old version download process? 

How do you install the older version of Instaup APK?

Instaup older version

Requirements to use this older Instaup mod APK

Fake Instagram account

 Official account link

How do you use the older version?

Step one:

instaup login

Step Two:

Step Three:

how to collect coins in instaup

Step Four:

instagram followers for free

Congratulations, you have completed the process of getting free followers on your Instagram account; if any error occurs, just repeat this process, and the error will be solved. 


Here, we have learned about the downloading process, installation, and usage of Instaup older version mod APK. We can use this mod APK file on the lower Android version easily, and it is very compatible with all the versions; it has no major errors and is easy to use. This version of Isntaup APK is best compared to all the versions.


Instaup application is based on real followers; It means the account you are using for the collection of coins is used to follow the other people who bought the follower from the coins they have in their account

It is compatible with the newer and older versions of Android. Also, it has no errors as compared to the latest version.

No, there will be no ads in this Instaup APK old version. 

download instaup apk old version by just clicking on the download Instaup(Hyperlinked button) button.

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